Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Business

In contrast, this research shows that the impact of corporate social responsibility can extend beyond public relations and customer goodwill to influence the way consumers evaluate a company s products. Specifically, this research documents that acts of social goodwill--even when they are unrelated to the company s core business, as in the case of charitable giving--can alter product perceptions, such that products of companies engaged in prosocial activities are perceived as performing better. More important, the data show that inferences drawn from a company s prosocial actions are strong enough to alter the product evaluations even when consumers can directly observe and experience the product. The data further show that this effect is a function of the moral undertone of the company s motivation for engaging in socially responsible behavior and is attenuated when consumers believe that the company s behavior is driven by self-interest rather than by benevolence. By documenting th at social goodwill can benefit consumer perceptions of product performance, these findings show that doing good can indeed translate into doing well. Corporate Social Responsibilities Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined as the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time (Carroll and Buchholtz 2003, p. 36). Corporate social responsibility emphasizes obligation and accountability to society. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Social Performance Of Apple Incorporation And The Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On The Multinational Business Organization987 Words   |  4 Pagesmost business organizations have adopted various strategies that have enhanced the social performance in the society. Corporate social responsibility plays a fundamental role in improving the relationship between a business and the local community (Taylor, 2010). Social performance of a business can ensure that it builds the good reputation among the customers thus improving the sales of the firm. This paper examines the social performance of Apple incorporation and the impact of corporate socialRead MoreThe Imp act of Corporate Social Responsibility on Business Performance - Malte Kaufmann.Pdf Uploaded Successfully5307 Words   |  22 PagesTHE IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON BUSINESS PERFORMANCE – CAN IT BE MEASURED, AND IF SO, HOW? The Berlin International Economics Congress 2012, March 7th-10th, 2012 Presented by Dd. Dipl.-Vw. Malte Kaufmann, The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies malte.kaufmann@immo-kaufmann.de and Prof. Marieta Olaru, Ph. D., The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies olaru.marieta@gmail.com Abstract This paper examines the question of measurability of the impact of Corporate Social ResponsibilityRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1167 Words   |  5 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept which is also known as corporate citizenship, corporate conscience or in a simple way a responsible business. It is an integrated concept of self-regulatory business model for any organisation. Corporate Social Responsibility has been in practice for more than fifty years now, which has been adopted not only by domestic companies but also by transnational company with voluntary CSR initiativesRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr ) Encompasses Business Practices Involving Actions988 Words   |  4 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility (CSR) encompasses business practices involving actions that benefit the organization and the stakeholders, which comprises of the society (Schermerhorn, 2012). â€Å"CSR is becoming more mainstream because pioneer companies are embedding sustainability into the core of their business operations to create shared values collectively for business and society.† - Liz Maw Understanding Microsoft’s Corporate Social Responsibilities MicrosoftRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility On A Social Level1086 Words   |  5 Pagesis to understand how a large progressive company operates in the corporate world as well as fulfills their corporate responsibility on a social level. While corporate responsibility is important, it is always viewed through the fiscal viability dimension of the maelstrom. The business case dominates the representation and operationalization of corporate responsibility. Due to the increased public sensitivity to corporate responsibility, the attitude has evolved from the unnecessary intrusion, throughRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility Definition1011 Words   |  5 PagesThis research study is about what the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is, how people define and how I understand this term? According to my research and observations, CSR does not have only one and constant definition. I have read a lot of definitions of CSR and in fact, they are similar but not the same. Briefly, definition and understanding of CSR depends on person to person. Thus, I am going to talk about definitions of the CSR and I will define my own perspective about the CSR. Read MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1167 Words   |  5 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept which is also known as corporate citizenship, corporate conscience or in a simple way a responsible business. It is an integrated concept of self-regulatory business model for any organisation. Corporate Social Responsibility has been in practice for more than fifty years now, which has been adopted not only by domestic companies but also by transnational company with voluntary CSR initiativesRead MorePersonal Motives For Corporate Social Responsibility933 Words   |  4 Pagesfor Corporate Social Responsibility (Graafland, J. Mazereeuw-Van der Duijn Schouten, C. 2012) analyze the motivations of directors to take responsibility for the labor, environmental and social aspects in business. It distinguishes the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by conducting a survey consisting of a sample of 473 executives. What is more, the motives are classified as three types: â€Å"financial motives†, which is external, â€Å"ethical and altruistic† which are internal. the corporate socialRead MoreCsr in the Hospitality Industry1293 Words   |  6 PagesSeptember 29, 2009 Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hospitality Industry Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has progressively become known as a germane issue in the corporate world for the past decade. Making the world a better place, socially and environmentally, is a global accepted phenomenon. According to Porter Kramer, 2006, â€Å"corporate social responsibility has emerged as an inescapable priority for business leaders in every country.† TheRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr ) Essay1369 Words   |  6 Pageshave a responsibility to give back to the customers they serve and the communities they operate in. Today, many organizations have realized the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in response to consumers and stakeholders becoming more mindful of social issues. Corporate social responsibility has continued to change and grow. It can be difficult to define CSR because it takes on a variety of social, economic, political and environmental formats depending on the business. Corporate social

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Wal-Mart Scandal Free Essays

New York Times reporter David Barstow uncovered a shocking story against retail giant, Wal-Mart. His investigation started after Wal-Mart shut down its internal investigation over the possible bribery of Mexican officials. Wal-Mart used these bribes to accelerate growth in their Mexican zoning areas. We will write a custom essay sample on Wal-Mart Scandal or any similar topic only for you Order Now These allegations surfaced when a Hispanic lawyer contacted Wal-Mart headquarters in Bentonville Arkansas. This lawyer had inside information on Wal-Mart’s bribes, as he represented them in their acts. He was used as a middle man for Wal-Mart’s payoffs to these officials. Wal-Mart took action in defending its image. In 2005 the company launched an internal investigation that dug into the operations of Wal-Mart de Mexico. The reports put together obvious signs that the company had, in fact been bribing the city officials to open up zoning areas and to swiftly create building permits. These bribes reported to total above $24 million. Wal-Mart’s lead investigator had this to say after the investigation was conducted, â€Å"There is reasonable suspicion to believe that Mexican and USA laws have been violated. When Wal-Mart’s leaders were faced with the decision to continue the investigation, they gave it to Wal-Mart de Mexico to investigate; it was shut down. Wal-Mart didn’t notify Mexican or American law enforcement with the information and none of these wrong doings were brought to the public eye until the publication of Barstow’s article. Wal-Mart would obviously face critical examination by the public if the allegations we re true; reasoning behind closing the investigation. Wal-Mart told the justice department that the investigation was unnecessary and the cases were minor where they did occur. The Time’s had a view in their investigation as they found substantial evidence supporting the bribes taking place. It’s believed that these bribes were the jump start Wal-Mart needed to gain its huge standing in Mexican society. 1 in 5 Wal-Mart’s are located in Mexico. The Times interviewed Sergio Cicero Zapata, who resigned from Wal-Mart de Mexico in 2004. Cicero told them of personal instances of him giving lawyers envelopes of money to pay off government officials. Cicero said that he had done these deals for years while working for Wal-Mart. Along with the information they received from Mr. Cicero, the times also found government documents with evidence of payoffs. These documents showed that within days of the money being given to the lawyers the permits were granted. The Times have published new stories exposing the company further with deeper information that they have gained through their investigation. Some of the information includes: * Wal-Mart pays $341,000 to officials in Mexico City to build a Sam’s club. The building was put in a densely populated area, and was done without a construction license, or an environmental permit or and urban impact assessment, or a traffic permit. Wal-Mart bribes officials to build â€Å"a vast refrigerated distribution center in an environmentally fragile flood basin north of Mexico City in an area where electricity is so scarce that many smaller developers turned away. † The bribe for this case was $765,000. * A zoning situation in Teotihuacan caused Wal-Mart to make a payment of $52,000 to enable them to build a s tore near a famous pyramid site. The citizens were enraged by the location of the store but the protests were ignored and the Wal-Mart was built. The mayor of Teotihuacan spent $77,000 buying and renovating a ranch the next year. Unexpected on a $47,000 yearly salary. * There have also been reports of Wal-Mart building on ancient ruin sites. They have been obtaining the permits to do so illegally. Now that the statements have been made public, Wal-Mart de Mexico has been under investigation by the U. S. and Mexican governments. The leadership is questionable within both Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart de Mexico. The high members of Wal-Mart de Mexico made a choice to shut down the investigation to cover up their tracks. The consequences of being discovered breaking the law to this extreme would put a huge chip on all of the Wal-Mart leaders’ shoulders. The growth of their business is also at stake. Apparently these bribes played a major role in the expansion of Wal-Marts across Mexico. The leaders located in Arkansas will more than likely be held accountable for irresponsible actions as well. If the allegations are true they could be found out for knowing about the illegal bribes. Ethical issues do not look good for leaders; it can dramatically impact the way the company is viewed. The actions of Wal-Mart making deals in Mexico could greatly affect the way the company is viewed and its overall standing to the public. With the investigation still ongoing it has yet to be clear what leaders at Wal-Mart are tied to the bribes in Mexico but it is undoubted by the New York Times that there are several people accountable for the actions. It is also possible that Wal-Mart has been doing this in other countries as well, but will only be confirmed when and if the government can obtain the information they need to prove wrong doing against Wal-Mart. Works Cited City. David Barstow; Alejandra Xanic Von Bertrab And James C. Mckinley Jr. Contributed Reporting From Mexico. â€Å"Vast Mexico Bribery Case Hushed Up by Wal-Mart After Top-Level Struggle. †Ã‚  The New York Times. 22 Apr. 2012. The New York Times. 04 Mar. 2013 http://www. nytimes. com/2012/04/22/business/at-wal-mart-in-mexico-a-bribe-inquiry-silenced. html. Radcliffe, Dana. â€Å"Leadership Lessons From Wa l-Mart’s Bribery Scandal. †Ã‚  The Huffington Post. 16 July 2012. TheHuffingtonPost. com. 04 Mar. 2013 http://www. huffingtonpost. com/dana-radcliffe/leadership-lessons-from-w_b_1672032. html. How to cite Wal-Mart Scandal, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Guest Essay Research Paper How does free essay sample

The Guest Essay, Research Paper How does Camus bring forth suspense in The Guest? Camus utilizes many different ways to bring forth suspense and the ways are affected by where and when the writer wrote the narrative. Camus was a Gallic writer who was born and raised in Algeria and the state was in the center of war while Camus was composing most of his narratives. The war and Camus political beliefs play parts in most of his narratives. Camus uses secret plan, word picture, and others to bring forth suspense in The Guest. Using suspense in the narrative helps the reader to go more interested in the narrative. The chief character, every bit good as Camus himself, is a school teacher during the eruption of a war. The first manner Camus uses suspense is with the secret plan. Daru, the school teacher, is watching two work forces nearing on horseback. We will write a custom essay sample on The Guest Essay Research Paper How does or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He is non certain who is nearing and he is watching to happen out. Daru returned to the window from which he had foremost seen the two work forces. They were no longer seeable. ( Camus 208 ) The narrative taking topographic point right before war adds to the suspense because Daru has no thought whom would be coming to the schoolhouse during a storm. This type of suspense comes from the secret plan and works with the scene. Subsequently in the narrative, after Daru find out he is ordered to take a captive into town and manus him over to the constabulary, Daru is faced with a determination. The captive is kiping in the following room and Daru wants him to merely get away, so Daru does non hold to take the captive in. Daru dreams of the captive go forthing in the center of the dark, but when he awakes the captive is still at that place. Daru does non cognize why the captive did non go forth. This job in the narrative generates a type of suspense known as expectancy of the unknown. Throughout the narrative the characters show personalities, but the reader is neer able to state what Daru or the captive are believing. The two characters besides are faced with of import determinations that could impact what happens to both of them. Daru must make up ones mind if he will take the captive into the town or allow the captive go. Daru makes a determination but the reader can non state what his determination is until Daru makes it. He leaves the captive in a fork in the center of the route and explains where the two waies go. The captive must make up ones mind if Daru is stating the truth or non. The reader once more does non cognize what the character is believing until the determination is made. Camus generates suspense assorted ways in the narrative and all of them work really good. Camus keeps the reader on border with his many types of suspense. This keeps the reader interested and makes for a better secret plan. Camus uses his narratives to acquire his thoughts and ideas out and in The Guest Camus shows personal experiences through his characters.